Thursday, March 3, 2016

student success statement
Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation: for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company
 George Washington
What this quote means to me is that it is better to not have friends then to associate yourself with a bad crowd. It is better this way because the bad crowd could drag you down in life and will ruin future opportunities for you. For example if you do drugs with your "friends" and you get caught then you will have a record. Then one day in the future your gonna want to get a job and the boss will see that you as a teenager were caught doing drugs. Its better to not have done something bad all because of some people you probably wont talk to in the future. Its better to not have your whole career ruined all because of some dumb decision you chose to do with your "friend" as a kid. When Having friends who are bad influence, it is better to not have friends at all and be by yourself. Bad influence will make you do thing you do not want to, which can cause you to have troubles. Associate yourself with good friends who will lead you to nothing but good. Only you have the decision whether you want to choose what is right or what is wrong and where you want to be in the future. For example being with a crwod full of people who do nothing but bad decisions. You will feel left out or forced to do the same thing they are, just to fit in the social group.

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